Friday, June 3, 2011

no consistency

i really need to get better at blogging more...but truthfully things have been a little crazy, yet at a total going back to school after 10 years in a field i know next to nothing about...from actor to basically ive just been trying to find work for the next two months until i leave for school...from new this city girl is definitely in for some major changes...i will be closer to my boyfriend...but away from my friends and right now im just waiting to start this new hoping all this waiting makes for a fun summer with my friends before i head south for the fall...although this 79 degree...a little humidity weather makes me not want to move

over the long weekend my best friend and i hopped on a chinatown bus from NYC to Fredericksburg VA...yes we know all about the dangers, and theres even a newspaper article that was written quoting us entirely...its pretty amusing for those who know us personally...

here are some pics from our weekend in Virginia...i didnt want to leave

*1*chaos in chinatown,nyc*2*pretty sunset in delaware*3*crablegs on the beach *4*stonewall jackson's arm's grave *5*chinatown jerky A.MAY.ZIN *6* before we got to lay out *7*the ellway house at wilderness battlefield *8*absynth candy...dangerous *9*deer everywhere


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